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candycrushgamecandycrushgame| Zaisheng Technology: The concerted action of the actual controller increased its holdings of 2.1 million shares in the company

candycrushgamecandycrushgame| Zaisheng Technology: The concerted action of the actual controller increased its holdings of 2.1 million shares in the company

Zaisheng Technology (603601) announced on the evening of May 8 that the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the companycandycrushgamecandycrushgameGuo Sihan, the current director and general manager of the company, used his own funds to increase the company's shares by 2.1 million shares through centralized bidding on May 7, accounting for the company's total share capitalcandycrushgamecandycrushgame0thcandycrushgamecandycrushgame.2056%。

(Article source: Daily Economic News)

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